Want to save money at the grocery store, but don’t have the time or desire to clip coupons? Use SavingStar’s grocery coupons to earn cash back on in-store grocery purchases at over 70,000 retail locations. There’s nothing to clip or print! You’ll earn cash back quickly with our exclusive Healthy Offers and big savings on your favorite brands.
Just scan your loyalty card at the grocery store during checkout to redeem offers. For stores without loyalty cards, you’ll take photos of your receipts and submit them to SavingStar. Your savings are automatically added to your SavingStar account. Cash out to PayPal, your bank account, or gift cards when you reach $5!
SavingStar is free and easy to use:
• Save money without the hassle of clipping grocery coupons. Just tap the offers you like!
• Use our One or Many offers to save big (often $5 or more)! No need to buy all at once – purchase across multiple trips, and even across different stores.
• Who says grocery coupons are for unhealthy products? Save on fresh produce with our Healthy Offer of the Week (bananas, apples, tomatoes, and more).
• New deals every week, so check the app often.
• Cash out options include your bank or PayPal account, or to a gift card.
• Link deals to your supermarket and drugstore loyalty cards! For stores without loyalty cards, take a picture of your receipt using our app.
• Earn cash back when you purchase in-store at your favorite supermarkets and drugstores like Walmart, Target, Safeway, Albertsons, Kroger, Stop & Shop, CVS, Meijer, ShopRite and 100+ other grocery chains.
Featured in Parents, Wall St. Journal, Time, and more. Join over 7 million SavingStar members and start saving today.